Hello, we are Electro.
An eCommerce Webflow Template

We do branding, product design and creative direction. It all started, though, with graphic design and that started with a love of art.
Our design career started as a toddler drawing on the walls of my family home in permanent marker. I loved to draw. On anything and everything, apparently. My brothers and I would make our own tennis magazines, complete with hand drawn Nike ads on pages of construction paper stapled together. Similarly, I was curious from a young age about how things work — my mom tells the story of me putting shoes and other objects in the toilet to see if they'd flush down the drain properly.
We also vividly remember the first time I used a Macintosh computer. I was probably 8 or 9 at the time and I fell in love with that small beige box with its black and white screen and delightfully simple mouse. I'd customize the wallpaper, play with the dozen or so fonts and use the mouse to draw in MacPaint.
It wasn't until much later, long after college,that I brought my love of art together with my love of technology. I studied graphic design in college, where I came to develop an appreciation for the nuances of typography, color and composition, spearheading a career in print design.
Rask levering med bring
Vi har normalt varen på lager og sender til deg dagen etter du har bestilt fra våre nettbutikken. Dette betyr at produktene er på vei til deg senest 2 - 3 dager etter.
Full Bytterett og angrerett
Vi gir garanti på ett år fra kjøpsdato alle våre overhalte bedrift-PCer. Angrer du kjøpet, har du rett til å returnere varen innen 14 dager.
Garantert Bedrift-PC
PC'er som er bygget for bedriftsmarkedet har ofte en bedre mekanisk og teknisk konstruksjon enn de PC'ene som er bygget for privatmarkedet. Derfor har også ofte forholdsvis færre feil og en lengre levetid.